

The BOARD is comprised of


  1. President
  2. Senior Vice-President
  3. Vice President Midget
  4. Vice President Bantam
  5. Vice President PeeWee
  6. Vice President Atom


  1. Past President
  2. Referee in Chief
  3. Treasurer
  4. Secretary


FEDERATION (one Other Officer for each Minor Hockey Association)

  1. Delegate - Bedford
  2. Delegate - Chebucto
  3. Delegate - Cole Harbour
  4. Delegate - Dartmouth
  5. Delegate - Halifax
  6. Delegate - Eastern Shore
  7. Delegate - East Hants
  8. Delegate - Sackville
  9. Delegate - TASA





  1. Scope
  2. Boundaries
  3. Definitions
  4. Membership
  5. Termination or Suspension of Membership
  6. Fiscal Year
  7. Dues
  8. Board
  9. Powers of the Board
  10. Elected Directors/Executive
  11. Appointed Directors/Executive
  12. Executive
  13. Executive and Signing Officers
  14. Elections and Delegate Ratification
  15. Voting
  16. Meetings
  17. Quorum
  18. Executive Duties
  19. Committees
  20. Finances
  21. Audit of Accounts
  22. Amendments to Bylaws
  23. Miscellaneous


This Society shall be named the Central Minor Hockey Federation, also referred to as CMHF.


The Central Minor Hockey Federation shall operate solely within the boundaries of the Halifax and Dartmouth Regions, as defined by Hockey Nova Scotia Minor Council.


1. In these by-laws the following terms are defined to mean

(a) ‘Registrar’ means the Registrar of Joint Stock Companies appointed under the Nova Scotia Companies Act.

(b) ‘Society’ means Central Minor Hockey Federation, also identified as CMHF

(c) ‘Federation’ means each Minor Hockey Association in good standing within the Halifax and Dartmouth Regions as defined by Hockey Nova Scotia Minor Council.

(d) ‘Special Resolution’ means a resolution passed by not less than three-fourths (3/4) of those members entitled to vote as are present in person at the Annual General Meeting or a Special Meeting of which notice specifying the intention to propose the Resolution as a Special Resolution has been duly given.

(e) ‘Elected Directors’ means the positions of President, Senior Vice-President, Vice-President Midget, Vice-President Bantam, Vice-President PeeWee, and Vice-President Atom.

(f) ‘Appointed Directors’ means the positions of Past President, Secretary, Treasurer and Referee-in-Chief

(g) ‘Officers’ means the Elected Directors and Appointed Directors, also known as the ‘Executive’.

(h) ‘Executive Officer’ means the President, Senior Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer.

(i) ‘Signing Officer’ means the President, Senior Vice-President and Treasurer

(j) ‘Other Officers’ means the representatives nominated by each Minor Hockey Association of the Federation, also identified as ‘Delegates’

(k) ‘Board’ means the Officers (also identified as Elected Directors and Appointed Directors or the Executive) and Other Officers (also identified as the Delegates)

(i) ‘In writing’ includes email and fax and all references to ‘in writing’ means any communication provided in written, mailed, faxed, emailed or other electronic means to the member’s last known municipal or email address. Any electronic (email or fax) notice shall be deemed to have been given when transmission was sent, and any notice by post at the time when the letter containing the same would be delivered in the ordinary course of post. The nonreceipt of any notice by any member shall not invalidate the proceedings at any General Meeting.


1. Membership in the Society shall be

(a) the Board,

(b) subscribers to the Memorandum of Association, and

(c) such other persons as shall be admitted to membership in accordance to these Bylaws, and non other

2. If Hockey Nova Scotia Minor Council approves an amalgamation of any Associations of the Central Minor Hockey Federation, the new amalgamated Association shall be eligible to be a member of the Central Minor Hockey Federation. The Association membership and the delegates of those Associations that existed prior to the amalgamation shall automatically be terminated. A new Association may be admitted to the Central Minor Hockey Federation only by application to the Central Minor Hockey Federation at an Annual General Meeting of the Central Minor Hockey Federation.

3. In the case of an absence of a Delegate where it will result in one of the Minor Hockey Associations of the Federation not being represented at a meeting of the Board, the minor hockey Association may appoint, by providing notification to an Executive (Elected or Appointed) prior to the meeting, an alternative Delegate in their stead, who shall serve as a temporary member to be effective for only the meeting at which the Delegate is absent.

4. No formal admission to membership shall be required and the entry in the Register of Members by the Secretary of the name and address of an individual shall constitute an admission to membership in the Society.

5. Every member of the Society shall be entitled to attend any General Meeting, Special General Meeting, or Board Meeting of the Society.

6. Every member of the Society shall be entitled to hold any office.

7. Membership in the Society is not transferable.


1. Membership in the Society shall terminate upon

(a) the death of a member,

(b) notice in writing to the Society that the member resigns his or her membership, or

(a) the member ceasing to qualify for membership in accordance with these by-laws.

2. Any individual serving as an alternative delegate under By-law 4.3 shall have his or her temporary membership terminated at the conclusion of the meeting at which he or she was a temporary member.

3. Any Minor Hockey Association may be suspended from the Federation by a majority vote of the Board for failing to comply with the By-Laws or Regulations of the Central Minor Hockey Federation. Subsequent to the suspension of a Minor Hockey Association from the Federation the Board may determine a method of permitting the teams of the suspended Minor Hockey Association to continue to participate.

4. If a Member or a Minor Hockey Association of the Federation is suspended or expelled from Hockey Nova Scotia, the Member or Minor Hockey Association of the Federation shall automatically be suspended or expelled from the Central Minor Hockey Federation.

5. Any team registered with the CMHF is required to play all regular season and playoff games as scheduled unless in direct conflict with Provincial or Atlantic Championship tournaments. An exception is only applicable once the team has qualified for said Championship. Failure to play any scheduled regular season or playoff game will result in all games being awarded to their opponents for the full season and the Minor Hockey Association of the Federation to which the team is associated being suspended from CMHF participation for the following hockey season. The Minor Hockey Association will only be re-instated within the Federation upon application and approval of the Board.


1. The fiscal year of the Society shall be the period from May 01 to April 30.


1. Each member Association must submit a deposit in an amount set by the Board. The deposit will be retained until such time as the member Association ceases to be a member of the Central Minor Hockey Federation, at which time the deposit will be returned to the Association.

2. Each member Association shall annually remit membership fees to the Central Minor Hockey Federation by December 01. The yearly fees shall be determined by the Directors/Executive and approved by the Board.


1. The number of Board members shall not be less than five or more than twenty.

2. The subscribers to the Memorandum of Association of the Society shall be the first Board members of the Society.

3. No less than 30 days prior to the Annual General Meeting the Directors shall determine the number of Board members for the subsequent year.

4. At the first Annual General Meeting of the Society and at every succeeding Annual General Meeting, all the Board members shall retire from office but shall hold office until the dissolution of the Annual General Meeting at which their successors are elected.

5. Any individual 19 years of age or older residing within the boundary of the Halifax and Dartmouth Regions as defined by Hockey Nova Scotia Minor Council who upholds the objects of the Society, including those Board members retiring in accordance with By-law 8.4 shall be eligible to be elected or ratified as a Board member of the Society.

6. At each Annual General Meeting of the Society

(a) the Members shall ratify a representative/delegate nominated by each Minor Hockey Association of the Federation, who will serve as a Board member and

(b) the Members shall elect the Elected Directors, who will also serve as Board members.

7. In the event a Board member resigns his or her office or ceases to be a member in the Society his or her office as a Board member shall ipso factor be vacated.

(a) should the member be an Elected Director, the remaining Directors may nominate a person to hold the office for such time only as the member whose place he or she is nominated would have held office if he or she had not resigned. The Board shall ratify the nominee at the next following meeting of the Board.

(b) should the member be an Appointed Director, the remaining Directors may appoint a person to hold the office for such time only as the member whose place he or she is appointed would have held office if he or she had not resigned.

(c) should the member be an Other Officer, the Minor Hockey Association for which the member was a representative may nominate another representative (delegate) to hold the office for such time only as the member whose place he or she is nominated would have held office if he or she had not resigned. The Board shall ratify the nominee at the next following meeting of the Board.

8. The Society may, by Special Resolution, remove any member of the Board before the expiration of the period of office.

(a) should the member be a Elected Director, the remaining Directors may nominate a person to hold the office for such time only as the member whose place he or she is nominated would have held office if he or she had not been removed. The Board shall ratify the nominee a the next following meeting of the Board

(b) should the member be an Appointed Director, the remaining Directors may appoint a person to hold the office for such time only as the member whose place he or she is appointed would have held office if he or she had not been removed

(c) should the member be an Other Officer, the Minor Hockey Association for which the member was a representative may nominate another representative (delegate) to hold the office for such time only as the member whose place he or she is appointed would have held office if he or she had not been removed. The Board shall ratify the nominee at the next following meeting of the Board.

9. (a) Society expenses paid directly by a Director as evidenced by a receipt may be reimbursed with approval of either the President or Treasurer.

(b) all Board members (Elected Directors, Appointed Directors and Other Officers) shall serve without remuneration and shall not receive any profit from their positions. A Director may be reimbursed expenses incurred in the performance of his or her duties as per By-law 8.9(a)

10. Neither the Society nor the Board on its behalf may borrow money.


1. The management of the activities of the Society shall be vested in the Directors who, in addition to the power and authority provided by these By-Laws or otherwise expressly conferred upon them, may exercise all such powers and do all such acts and things as may be exercised or done by the Society not hereby required by the Societies Act or the By-Laws to be exercised by the members of the Society at a General Meeting.


1. Any individual 19 years of age or older residing within the boundary of the Halifax and Dartmouth Regions as defined by Hockey Nova Scotia Minor Council who upholds the objects of the Society shall be eligible to be elected to an Elected Executive position of the Society.

2. The Elected Executive shall be comprised of the President, the Senior Vice President and Divisional Vice Presidents at the Atom, PeeWee, Bantam and Midget levels.

3. The individual members shall elect the Elected Executive at each Annual General Meeting of the Society.

4. (a) the President shall be elected for a term of two years and,

(b) all other Elected Executive shall be elected for a term of one year.

5. Voting for elected positions shall be held in the following order:

1. President

2. Senior Vice President

3. Divisional Vice presidents in the order of Atom, followed by PeeWee, followed by Bantam, followed by Midget


1. Any individual 19 years of age or older residing within the boundary of the Halifax and Dartmouth Regions as defined by Hockey Nova Scotia Minor Council who upholds the objects of the Society shall be eligible to be appointed to an Appointed Director/Executive position of the Society.

2. The Appointed Executive shall be comprised of the Past President, the Secretary, the Treasurer and the Referee-in Chief

3. Upon completion of his or her full term the retiring President shall be appointed Past President for a term of two years, regardless of whether the incumbent President serves his or her full two-year term. A President who fails to serve his or her full (two-year) term is ineligible to be appointed as Past President. In such a case the Executive may extend the term of the Past President until the retirement of an incumbent President after having completed his or her full (two-year) term

4. The Nominating Committee shall recommend to the newly Elected Executive nominees to fill the positions of Secretary, Treasurer and Referee-in Chief. The Nominating Committee may recommend the positions of Secretary and Treasurer be amalgamated as one position.

5. The newly Elected Executive shall ratify the Appointed Executive.


1. The Executive shall be comprised of the Elected Executive and the Appointed Executive.

2. Each member of the Executive, whether elected or appointed, shall be reimbursed for approved expenses made on behalf of the Society with a receipt and approval of either the President or Treasurer.

3. Any Executive who retires or resigns, or whose term has expired and does not re-offer or is not re-elected is required to turn over all records to the Secretary of the CMHF within 30 days following his or her departure from office.

4. The Executive may appoint assistants as required. Notice of such appointments must be provided in writing to the Board at the immediate next CMHF meeting of the Board.


1. The Executive Officers of the Society shall be a President, Senior Vice President, Treasurer and a Secretary. As per By-law 11.4 the positions of Secretary and Treasurer may be combined, with the same member holding both positions.

2. The Signing Officers of the Society shall be a President, Senior Vice President, and Treasurer.


1. The election of the Elected Directors/Executive of the CMHF shall take place at the Annual General Meeting, which shall be scheduled by proper notice at the time and place specified in the official notice of the Meeting.

2. In preparation for the election of the Elected Directors/Executive and the ratification of the representatives/delegates of the Minor Hockey Associations in the Federation

(a) the Executive, prior to April 30th of each year, shall appoint a Nominating Committee.

(b) the Nominating Committee shall, no later than 30 days prior to the Annual General Meeting, present to the Elections Chairman a recommended candidate for each of the Elected Director/Executive positions

(c) each of the Minor Hockey Associations of the Federation shall, no later than 30 days prior to the Annual General Meeting, present to the Elections Chairman their respective delegate.

(d) no less than 20 days prior to the Annual General Meeting the Elections Chairman will present to the members the recommended Elected Directors/Executive candidates and the Minor Hockey Association nominees.

(e) any other individual fulfilling the requirements of By-law 8.1 may stand for office by providing the Secretary no less than 15 days prior to the Annual General Meeting a nomination signed by three (3) or more individual members in good standing along with the nominee, stating that the position being nominated for and that he or she is willing to accept the position if elected.

(f) No less than 10 days prior to the Annual General Meeting the Elections Chairman will present to the members any additional candidates nominated via By-Law 14.2(3)

3. To stand for office an individual must be either

(a) in attendance at the Annual General Meeting, or

(b) express in writing prior to the Annual General Meeting their willingness to serve.

4. Prior to the elections, the Elections Chairman will select tellers to count ballots.

5. Elections shall be by secret ballot. The Elections Chairman shall not be entitled to a vote for Elected Director/Executive positions.

6. Where there is only one person standing for an office, the election shall be by acclamation and will require a single vote from any individual member.

7. In the event of a tie vote, the Elections Chairman will call for another ballot after a period of five (5) minutes. After this period each of the Candidates will be provided up to two (2) minutes to speak to the members to gain their support. There is no limit to the number of ballots required to break the tie.

8. At the Annual General Meeting the Elected Directors/Executive shall ratify each delegate presented by each member Minor Hockey Association of the Federation.


1. Every Member shall have one vote and no more, except

(a) at a General Meeting, the Elections Chairman is subject to the limitation of By-law 14.5,

(b) at a General Meeting the Chairman is subject to the limitation of By-law 15.2,

(c) at a meeting of the Board the Chairman is subject to the limitation of By-law 15.3 and

(d) at a meeting of the Executive the Chairman is subject to the limitation of By-law 15.4.

2. At a General Meeting the Chairman shall have no vote except in the case of an equality of votes, in which case the Chairman shall have a casting vote.

3. At a meeting of the Board the Chairman is entitled to vote as a Director and, in the case of equality of votes, the Chairman shall have a casting vote in addition to the vote that he or she is entitled to as a Director.

4. At a meeting of the Executive the Chairman is entitled to vote as a member of the Executive and, in the case of equality of votes, the Chairman shall have a casting vote in addition to the vote that he or she is entitled to as a member of the Executive.

5. At a General Meeting or a meeting of the Board of Directors should the Delegate of any Minor Hockey Association in the Federation be absent from the meeting the Delegate or President of the (respective) Minor Hockey Association(s) may designate prior to the time of the meeting another individual to represent the Minor Hockey Association for that meeting only. The individual will serve as a temporary member By-law 4.3. This individual may vote on behalf of the Minor Hockey Association they represent at that, and only that meeting. The temporary member shall cease to be a member at the dissolution of the meeting.

6. The full Executive (Elected and Appointed) shall vote on any issue that requires resolution by the Executive. The Secretary shall retain, as part of the minutes of the Society evidence of the vote, in the form of emails. Should an issue need to be resolved as per By-Law 16.5(b) all reasonable efforts will be made to involve the entire Executive in discussing and voting on the emergency, time-sensitive issue. When time permits a period of time determined by the urgency of the issue will be made available for discussion, followed by a vote in subject to By-laws 15.4 and 15.6

7. There shall be no proxy voting.


1. The Annual General Meeting of the CMHF shall be held on a date between August 1st and October 31st of each year at a time and place determined by the Executive. Notice of the Annual General Meeting shall be communicated to each Member and the Halifax and Dartmouth Regional Directors in writing at least 14 days in advance of the Annual General Meeting. Non-receipt of such communication by any Member of the Board shall not invalidate the proceedings of the Annual General Meeting.

2. At each Annual General Meeting of the Society, the following items of business shall be dealt with and shall be deemed to be ordinary business:

• minutes of preceding Annual General Meeting and Special General Meeting(s), if any;

• consideration of the annual reports of the Executive;

• consideration of the financial statements, including balance sheet and operating

statement and the Report of the Auditors thereon;

• election of a President if the existing President’s term has expired

• election of the other Elected Directors for the ensuing year;

• ratification of Other Officers for the ensuing year;

• appointment of Auditors for the ensuing year.

All other business transacted at an Annual General Meeting shall be deemed to be special business and all business shall be deemed special that is transacted at a Special General Meeting of the Society.

3. A Special General Meeting shall be held

(a) at the discretion of the President, or

(b) at the written request of at least two member Minor Hockey Associations of the Federation, or

(c) at the written request of at least twenty-five percent (25%) in number of the Members of the Society. Notice of a Special General Meeting shall be communicated to each Member and the Halifax and Dartmouth Regional Directors in writing at least 14 days in advance of the Special General Meeting, including the nature of the special business to be considered at the Special General Meeting. Non-receipt of such communication by any Member of the Board shall not invalidate the proceedings of the Special General Meeting.

4. Meetings of the Board shall be held as often as the business of the Society may require, but during the period of September 1st through April 30th no less than once ever two months. Ameeting of Board may be held at the close of every Annual General Meeting of the Society without notice. Notice of all other meetings of the Board shall be communicated by the Secretary, specifying the time and place thereof. Communication shall be given either orally or in writing to each Member of the Board and the Halifax and Dartmouth Regional Directors within a reasonable time before the meeting is to take place. Non-receipt of such notice by any Member of the Board shall not invalidate the proceedings at any meeting of the Board.

5. a) Executive meetings shall be held as often as the business of the Society may require. During the period September 1st and April 30th an Executive meeting shall be held no less than once every two months. Notice of all Executive meetings shall be communicated by the Secretary, specifying the time and place thereof. Communication shall be given either orally or in writing to each member of the Executive within a reasonable time before the meeting is to take place, but nonreceipt of such notice by any member of the Executive shall not invalidate the proceedings at any meeting of the Executive.

b) The Executive may address time sensitive issues on an emergency basis through a virtual meeting, where discussion may take place via email or conference call, followed by a vote.

6. The President or, in his or her absence, the Senior Vice President, or in the absence of both the President and the Senior Vice President, any Director appointed from among those Directors present shall preside as Chairman at the meeting of the Society.

7. The Chairman may, with the consent of the meeting, adjourn any meeting from time to time and from place to place, but no business shall be transacted at any adjourned meeting, other than the business left unfinished at the meeting from which the adjournment took place, unless notice of such new business is given to the members.

8. At any meeting, unless a poll is demanded by at least three Members, a declaration by the Chairman that a resolution has been carried and an entry to that effect in the book of proceedings of the Society shall be sufficient evidence of the fact, without proof of the number or proportion of the members recorded in favour of or against such resolution.

9. If a poll is demanded as per By-law 14.8, then a poll shall be held in such a manner as the Chairman may prescribe and the result of such poll shall be deemed to be the resolution of the Society.


1. A quorum at any General Meeting shall be one-half (50%) of the Delegates, or their representatives as per By-law 4.3, of the member Minor Hockey Associations of the Federation.

2. A quorum in order to call a meeting of the Board to order shall be at least 30% of the members of the Board. No business shall be transacted at any meeting of the Board unless a quorum of both 50% of the Elected Directors/Executive and 60% of the Delegates, or their representatives as per By-law 4.3 of the member Minor Hockey Associations of the Federation are present at the time of a vote.

3. If within one-half hour (30 minutes) from the scheduled commencement of the meeting, a quorum of Members is not present, the meeting shall be dissolved.



The Elected Executive shall appoint the Past President, Secretary, Treasurer and Referee-in-Chief


The President shall have general supervision of the activities of the Society and shall perform such duties as maybe assigned to him or her by the members from time to time. The President

• shall preside over all meetings at which he or she is in attendance

• may serve as Chairperson of the Protest Committee

• shall sign, along with the Treasurer, all cheques in payment of accounts and bills authorized by an Executive Officer

• shall submit a report of CMHF activities to the Annual General Meeting

• shall keep the Hockey Nova Scotia Minor Council Regional Directors informed of Federation activities

• shall be the liaison between CMHF and other governing minor hockey bodies in Nova Scotia

• shall endeavour to carry out the wishes of the Annual General Meeting and the Board to the best of his or her ability

• shall, in the absence of a Past President, serve as Chairman of the Nominating Committee and in such role shall recruit one additional member to serve on the Nominating Committee


The Senior Vice-President shall, at the request of the members and subject to its directions, perform the duties of the President during the absence, illness or incapacity of the President, or during such period of the President may request him or her to do so. As well the Senior Vice-President

• shall assist the President in his or her duties

• shall serve as a member of the Nominating Committee

• may serve as Chairperson of the Protest Committee

• shall, in the absence of the President preside over a meeting at which he or she is in attendance

• shall, in the absence of either the President or Treasurer sign cheques in payment of accounts and bills authorized by an Executive Officer, along with either the President or Treasurer

• shall be considered the President elect during the second year of the President’s term


• each Vice-President shall coordinate and control the activities of the division for which he or she is responsible

• shall serve on such committees as appointed by the President

• shall be responsible for the presentation of trophies and awards in his or her division

• shall prepare divisional schedules


• shall advise the President of historical procedures

• shall perform other such duties as assigned by the President

• shall serve as Chairman of the Nominating Committee.


• shall keep a financial account of the CMHF

• shall receive all funds provided to the CMHF and deposit those funds in a recognized financial institution

• shall make disbursements on the authority of the President or Senior Vice-President

• shall present a financial statement that shall be audited or reviewed by an independent Auditor as appointed at the Annual General Meeting.

• shall present a financial report and the audited or reviewed financial statement to the members at the Annual General Meeting

• shall present to the Board a proposed budget for the upcoming fiscal year prior to Sept. 30.


• shall notify members of time and place of meetings as per these By-Laws

• shall distribute all materials to the members deemed necessary by the Executive

• shall prepare and maintain custody of the books and records as well as the minutes of all meetings of CMHF

• shall distribute:

o draft minutes of Executive and Board meetings to the Executive and Board within 14 days following the meeting

o draft minutes of General Meetings to all members within 14 days following the General Meeting

• shall maintain custody of the seal of the Society in order that it may be affixed to any document upon resolution of the Executive of CMHF.

• shall file with The Nova Scotia Registry of Joint Stock Companies within 14 days of the Annual General Meeting the Society’s Annual Statement and Financial Reports along with a list of current Directors, including all information required by The Nova Scotia Registry of Joint Stock Companies

• shall file with The Nova Scotia Register of Joint Stock Companies within 14 days of a change of Director(s), the name(s) of the new Director(s), including all information required by The Nova Scotia Registry of Joint Stock Companies with respect to the new Director(s)

• shall file with The Nova Scotia Registry of Joint Stock Companies a copy of every Special Resolution passed within 14 days of its taking effect.


• shall serve on the Protest Committee.

• shall liase with member Minor Hockey Association of the Federation Referee-in-Chiefs for scheduling and evaluation of on-ice officials.

• shall be responsible for the distribution of rules and directives for on-ice officials to the Minor Hockey Associations of the Federation Referee-in-Chiefs and the members of the Board


1. In addition to the following standing Committees the Executive may form such Committees as they deem necessary.


A Protest Committee shall be comprised of:

• the President or Senior Vice-President as Chairman.

• the Vice President of the Division involved in the protest,

• one other neutral Vice Presidents (not to be members of the Minor Hockey Association(s) of the Federation involved in the protest), and

• the Referee-in-Chief

The duties of the Protest Committee shall be to

• review all protests or appeals

• have the authority to call witnesses as it deems necessary

• submit a decision in accordance with the Regulations

The Chairman does not have a vote on the Protest Committee. He or she shall advise the committee members of their powers and their area of jurisdiction. The Chairman is responsible for communicating the decision to those impacted by the decision.


A Nominating Committee shall be comprised of

• the Past President as Chairman

• the President, and

• the Senior Vice President

The duties of the Nominating Committee shall be to

• solicit candidates to fill each Elected Executive position

• as per By-Law 14.2(b) no later than 30 days prior to the Annual General Meeting present to the Elections Chairman a recommended candidate for each of the Elected Director/Executive positions.

• as per By-Law 11.4 no later than the date of the Annual General Meeting recommend candidates for each of the Appointed Director/Executive positions of Secretary, Treasurer and Referee-in Chief. The Nominating Committee may recommend a single individual fulfil both the Secretary and Treasurer positions

• appoint an Elections Chairman.


1. All monies received by the CMHF from any source shall be used solely for the purposes of the objectives and administration of the CMHF.

2. Contracts, deeds, bills of exchange and other instruments and documents may be executed on behalf of the CMHF by the President or the Senior Vice-President and the Treasurer or Secretary, or otherwise as prescribed by a resolution of the Board. Funds will only be disbursed on the authority of any two of the President, the Senior Vice-President and the Treasurer.

3. The Board will annually approve a budget for the operation of the CMHF for the ensuing year, as presented prior to September 30 by the Treasurer (By-Law 18.6) including the Association fees as required by By-Law 7.2.


1. The Auditor of the Society shall be appointed annually by the members of the Society at the Annual General Meeting and, on failure of the members to appoint an Auditor, the Board may do so.

2. The Auditor shall make a written report to the members, to be presented at the Annual General Meeting by the Treasurer, as to the balance sheet and operating account, and in every such report, the Auditor shall state whether, in his or her opinion, the balance sheet is a full and fair balance sheet containing the particulars required by the CMHF and properly drawn up so as to exhibit a true and correct view of the CMHF’s affairs. A copy of the balance sheet, showing the general particulars of its liabilities and assets and a statement of its income and expenditures in the preceding year, as either audited or reviewed by the Auditor, shall be filed with The Nova Scotia Registry of Joint Stock Companies each year within 14 days after the Annual General Meeting.


1. The Society has the power to repeal or amend any By-Law by a Special Resolution passed in the manner prescribed by law.

2. Amendments to By-Laws of the CMHF may be made at the Annual General Meeting or a Special General Meeting by a three-quarters (75%) majority of those members entitled to vote as are present in person at a duly called meeting.

3. Proposed amendments to By-Laws must be circulated to all members 14 days in advance of a Meeting at which they are to be considered.